There are many ways for you to the best way to get rid of melanin. You can choose surgical treatments or natural treatments. Before you come to a decision, get to know the upsides and the downsides of using these treatments first.
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1. Surgical Treatments
Invasive methods that can extract the surface layer of the skin where they are located are surgical methods. This method immediately removes the chemical. However, you need at least a week before the healing process completely finishes. Since the surface layer of the skin is removed, there is also a big chance that you are left with white marks on your body. But better white marks than dark spots, right?
Its downside is the price. You require to shell out a few hundred dollars or so depending on how much chemical you have and how severe it is. You should go to a legitimate doctor so they can perform the procedure safely.
2. Natural Treatments
The most convenient natural treatment is anti-aging products. Although age melanin is not triggered by old age, older people are more susceptible to it because of weaker functions and weaker defense against the sun’s harmful UV rays. Products such as lightening creams are painless. In addition to that, they are also inexpensive, and they require no maintenance. You just have to continue using the product until you are satisfied with its results.
Many people do not want to waste their time on creams because the effects usually take time to manifest. Some people do not have the patience for that. But the truth is, this is the safest method to try. If you want something that can produce the quickest results, you should choose a product that contains Extrapone Nutgrass, CynergyTK, and Phytessence Wakame.
Extrapone Nutgrass Root extract helps in normalizing melanin production. It can also correct hyperpigmented areas so that they will blend with the rest of your tone. This ingredient also helps improve the texture of your skin by making it a lot softer and smoother.
Phytessence Wakame’s role is to get rid of harmful enzymes in the body. These enzymes attack our system’s hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is what lubricates collagen and cushions it to prevent it from being damaged.
Also, you can use the following:
- Ultraviolet Rays – Try to protect yourself from the Sun’s ultraviolet rays as much as possible with the use of sunscreen. This is because these harmful rays can kill the free radicals in your cells and increase the activity of melanin in your body. These can lead to aging as well as unwanted symptoms such as age spots.
- Cynergy Tk – This is a special ingredient that originated in New Zealand. It contains a functional keratin that is bio-available to you. By applying it on your body regularly, you will find your skin smoother and clearer after a few weeks. Most important, it can ignite your body to produce more collagen and elastin on its own to erase those age spots or marks.
- Extrapone Nutgrass – Another ingredient you should watch out for is one called Extrapone Nutgrass. This particular ingredient can reduce melanin production by close to 40%. Over time, you will find that your body becomes whiter and creamier looking.
And to help you get clearer and younger looking surface, I would like to share with you one anti-aging skin care range of products that I discovered. They contain more active ingredients than any other cream on the market. These ingredients are effective moisturizers since they penetrate deeply to “nourish” the body. So, they never feel greasy.
Hi my names Helen Kyle, I help others safely lighten their skin. I want to help remove the stigma! There isn’t anything wrong with darker skin patches but for me, it really helped my confidence.
When I’m not writing I’m spending time with my family and friends. I love sport, especially basketball and am a diehard Celtics fan.